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Halloween 09 (go back »)

October 30 2009, 9:53 AM

Today is oct. 30th, but it\'s the day that we celebrate halloween at Heights since it\'s a friday. Niyah is wearing her white dolamn, ankle pants, boots, sleeveless hoodie and a bunch of cheesy jewelry to be emo, and I\'m wearing the same pants and boots but with me dolman, a blazer, and my red, black, green, and yellow hat and wristband to be a black radical. But OMG, katie\'s wearing one of those slutty dorothy dresses. It\'s so fucking funny. BTW, she and damai are going out. Otaku + Otaku = : ) for them.

My life right now is going so goddamn well it\'s scary. I\'m back in my skinny clothes and just started exercising again. I\'m missing tyrel like hell though. And UB. But everything is cool with me. And Ambia got this hot, cropped leatehr jacket from bebe. I\'m so happy for her. She\'s getting prettier and prettier everyday, and she\'s has such a nice body I want her to realize it! I have such lovely friends.

Tomorrow I\'m going trick or treating at all the big houses in the area. Tonight I\'m going to a party at the library and maybe the AFS party, but I doubt that because that club is full of preps. Shock of shocks I feel pretty and skinny today, even though I\'m about 130 or 128 right now. And Terrence wants us to come to OSU to party. That place is ful of hotties and shit, like, damn. But this year, as I\'ve been saying, is my make better year. I want to be more social, experience more things, and get my GPA up. So far I have all As and Bs except in math.

Peace adn Love,



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  • Female
  • 16 years old


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